July 5, 2006
Re: Ready-to-read
Dear Becky and Sandra:
As the school year comes to a close, I just wanted to extend a heart-felt thank you for providing Tyson yet another hugely positive academic experience.
Making the decision to enroll Ty in Ready-to-read was not an easy one. We found ourselves struggling with a couple of concerns:
- Would Tyson feel overwhelmed by too much school?
- With Tyson enrolled in French Immersion Kindergarten, would there be confusion and difficulty switching between the two languages?
Thankfully, we decided to give it a try and we’ve never looked back. Tyson loves Ready-to-read days and is always keen to attend.
In fact, we found Ready-to-read was an important addition to French Immersion Kindergarten as it kept Tyson’s reading/writing skills progressing at pace with children in regular English school. I have noticed no conflict between his French Immersion and the English reading skills learned at Ready-to-read. Additionally, we had concerns that Ty would be overwhelmed by the increase in time spent in a ‘school’ setting. Thankfully, we had nothing at all to be worried about. Tyson has always shown great enthusiasm towards Ready-to-read.
Thanks to the imaginative and fun teaching style of Becky, not only will Tyson leave this program with strong reading skills, but he’ll also take with him some great memories!
Huge thanks to all of you at Creative Kids. Please save a spot for Jakey in 2007/2008!
Coreen Senger